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Art and Music

            The planet’s art and music is freestyled. This means that all member of the planet is able to create their own style of song and paintings, and there are no restrictions as to what they can draw.

            The most common and accepted style of music on Jimaite is the form called Hæcčåšēń. On earth, this type of music is composed of a melancholic rhythm and melody, with a mixture of dark and bright chord, but there is no specific name for this type of music. However, it is utilized to bring hope to the people on the planet, as well as to inspire the citizens to follow who they are and what they do. The songs are sung by one or more Jimaitians together, and features an instrument that is similar to piano. On Jimaite, it is called ĮĘpdîxæ, jepdix.

            Meanwhile, the diversity of art varies greatly from abstract art to realism art. However, the most common piece of artistic composition is the “magic kingdom of dream”, where the Jimaitians draw pictures from their dreams about other planet and scenes that can be memorable to them. They tend to use realism, mixed with fantasy to create the image, to show the real dream in a surreal form. Some of the Jimaitians combine some of their daily life image with their dream to make an even more satisfying and pleasing masterpieces. The materials they use include the paint extracted from yumes, and dye them with different colors to create the magnificent paint that is utilized for the creation of such artistic perfection.

Wall perfection
Magic deep within
Falling angel of darkness
Knight of the dark
Pink tree of wisdom
Rainy autumn
The girl with the fiery butterfly
Plant protector
Gazing stars
Another planet

Artistic Masterpieces


Jepdix- Jimaite - Anonymous Jimaitian
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