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"All of us have the same power and privilege, and one can be his or her own leader"- Anonymous Jimaitian

There is no specific one ruler or leader on Jimaite, but they do have a congress, which is composed of men and women that are responsible and is willing to take on any responsibility regarding and involving the wellbeing of the planet. Nobody has any higher privilege, and any Jimaitian can be part of the congress as long as they are prepared to accept the consequences, whatever it is. These people get together and discuss an ongoing issue that is happening on the planet, and propose ways to solve it. However, they will brainstorm their ideas as well as reasons to support the idea and make a public vote on the one that is better. The option with the majority support will be the one that is put to use. All of the politics in Jimaite is based on the democratic and the congress's power. Thankfully, not one citizen is greedy for power. Moving on, they also have their own rules as to how the country is going to be run, and some of them include not polluting, team-working and coming up with a solution for a problem that all can agree on, etc. All the rules and laws on the planet is a daily reminder for the Jimaitians to remember who they are. The Jimaitians believe that the only way that the country can thrive is by the cooperation of every able-bodied/able-minded person on the planet. They have this saying that translates: "The one is altogether, and all is one". 


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